Richmond (2022)

I took a trip over to Richmond Park in October 2022 to catch a glimpse of the majestic Red Deer rut which happens each Autumn and what I witnessed was nothing like I would have ever imagined.  
I rocked up to the park at 7am for opening expecting to see a glowing orange sunrise lighting up the glorious royal estate, but instead, I was greeted by a wall of thick, dark fog. I could see no more than 10ft in front of me, for the most part, making for an incredibly eerie and quite honestly frightening experience. 
Instead of turning around though I decided to document both the deer rut and my own fear in this series, Richmond. 
The sun was nowhere to be seen on this day, only a deep dark mist. All around rustling, cracking and roaring sounds could be heard, but nothing could be seen, only silhouettes and shadows as these enormous horned beasts fought in the darkness. At times I feared for my life, at other points though I felt at peace as I passed by the silent and calm lakes.
How do you feel when you look at these images?